Renewable energies are a competitive solution for each country
Thinking a world where economy and ecology are partners is thinking a world more sustainable and efficient world.
Private investors are also mobilized in the development of renewable energies. Because these renewables allow significant economies of scale.
The health crises has impacted all sectors, includind the one of energy and electricity. Companies had to deal with a new and constantly evolving situation. So what conclusions can be drawn from this crisis regarding renewable energies?
Covid-19 crisis has shown globalization limits: one slightest unexpected phenomenon and the system crashes … An energy thought more locally would allow to rely easily on an independant and regional energy during a crisis. Producing locally is the heart of renewable energies strategy. This crisis has more than ever highlighted that the fight to be fought is renewable energies, with the objective to gather producers, communities and final customers together, in order to reduce dependence on energies such as oil, gas and coal.
The global sanitary containment has certainly slowed down solar and wind installations, and delayed the new projects to deploy. But this year is not over yet. In a slowdown economic context, the question of financing renewables by governments must be asked, but private investors are also mobilized in the development of renewable energies. Because these renewables allow significant economies of scale. A 2019 report from IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency, testified that solar and wind materials were less and less expensive, « Today’s report sends a perfectly clear message to the international community: renewable energies are a competitive solution for each country, which protects the climate and enables larger-scale initiatives, ”commented Francesco La Camera, General Director of IRENA.
Moreover, the health crisis has remind that the climate warming was in motion, the race for industrialization and profit has its pros and cons. It has certainly developed our comfort and efficiency, but it has also impacted environment and especially the air quality. Emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide have impacted the climate, the ecosystem and more than that, human health.
Thinking a world where economy and ecology are partners is thinking a world more sustainable and efficient world. It is therefore in this period that we must mobilize to make a clear change and lead to a more sustainable system, based on natural and renewable energies.