The renewable energy market has very quickly become globalized.
Our mission is to facilitate all the operational aspects of your projects
Joining is to facilitate all the operational aspects of your projects.
The stakes of the energy transition are multiple and are spread across the planet. They reveal a community of interests for the populations of the 5 continents, in terms of society, health and education. The renewable energy market has very quickly become globalized. Whether in the field of solar, wind or biomass energy, clean energy production projects are intensifying throughout the world.
Freeing ourselves from fossil fuels requires the implementation of major industrial projects. But while technological barriers have been overcome, cultural or, to a lesser extent, linguistic barriers still need to be overcome. Those who really want to play a role against global warming must also integrate the socio-economic and human issues.
The energy transition is being played out on a global scale. The economic opportunities it offers are growing all the time. For example, 70% of people in sub-Saharan Africa still do not have access to electrification. The projects exist. But we still need to be able to identify them and gain access to them. Joining the PLANET SOAR team will help you to accelerate these processes. Our mission is to facilitate all the operational aspects of your projects. Because it is essential to have a good understanding of a country’s social and economic mechanisms in order to participate in its energy transition.
Joining a network of business introducers means first of all opening up a wider field of prospecting. It is sometimes impossible to set up in certain countries without the help of a local sponsor. But this sourcing phase will be targeted, according to your offer and the projects that best meet your expectations. This way, we aim to establish a fluid communication between you and your end customers